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Submission Guidelines

Standard and Animated Ad Specifications.
Universal Ad Package (UAP)
Accepted File Formats GIF, JPEG, Flash
Banner Dimensions Leader Board (LB) 728 x 90 pixels Vertical Rectangle (VR) 240 x 400 pixels
File Size Limit Maximum 40 KB
Length of Animation 15-sec/Frame Rate: 24 fps. No looping.
Alternative (ALT) Text and Tag Text (Below the image) No more than 30 characters.
Target URL All supplied URL's must be active at the time the banner is submitted. will not display advertising with dead URL's.

All banner advertising on the network and partner network begins with understanding and agreeing to Advertising terms and conditions, prior to "Order" and creation of your banner advertising account.

One (1) creation may run at a time per banner advertising account. One creation consists of one banner and its linking URL.

Scheduling changes, new target URL's, and/or new graphics should be submitted at least four (4) working days prior to effective date.

All advertisements will be reviewed by and are subject to approval by before placement on-site. We reserve the right to reject any insertion order, graphic, text description or URL.

* Banner Advertising procedure and specifications

Copyright 2017 MYP Network Partners Conceptualised by The MYP